Worship Services

Where all are welcome.

Whether you are new in town or new to the church,
we’re happy to welcome you and make you feel at home.

Join us at 10AM

Our regular Sunday morning services begin at 10AM.   Other special services held throughout the year are held at different times and are announced well in advance. 

Sunday School

Our Sunday School program teaches children (preschool age through 6th grade) about God’s love and care while providing a positive, affirming and supportive place where they can love, laugh and learn.  The engaging Sunday School curriculum from “Sermons4Kids” is based on the same lectionary scriptures read during church.  Children hear a brief message based on the Gospel then dive into a fun craft project while enjoying a delicious snack.


Our fully equipped nursery is available for infants and children up to 3 years of age.  There are lots of wonderful toys to keep our tiny tots entertained and happy.

Fellowship | Coffee Hour

As a  congregation, we greatly enjoy getting together outside of church service times.  This topic would not be complete without mentioning our fantastic Coffee Hour after each Sunday Service.  There are multiple events, led by many different parishioners that shape the life of our entire parish.  Mid-summer, we gather for the annual Summer Picnic.  During the year, we have several FUNdraising dinners celebrating Shrove Tuesday, Valentine Bingo Potluck, and Advent to name a few.  In the fall, we hold our annual indoor Yard Sale in the Parish Hall.  Funds raised from such events are used to offset capital improvements or other needs within the parish.


Dress varies at Holy Nativity services, from casual to dressy.  Wear what is most comfortable for you.  In addition, our greeters will be more than happy to provide you with a name tag for your first visit and will see to it that you receive your own name tag to wear for future services.


The music you hear, led by Heidi Roberts our highly talented Church Musician, engages the heart, mind and soul in worship.  Music is one of the most powerful spiritual tools.  Through hymns and songs of praise, people are made to see life and God in a different light.  A familiar quote from Saint Augustine, “He who sings prays twice”, further underlines music’s ability to bring us closer to the creator.  

At the melodious sound of music in the Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity, everyone becomes united.

If you are interested in joining our choir, you may contact Heidi at  (208) 880-4630